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What is Keto? And why it could change your life

Are you interest in changing you’r life for the better? Tried multiple times and nothing has worked? Good then read on, I’m here to help you. Keto is essentially changing your body chemistry based on what you eat. How is that possible and what super powers can it give you? I’m glad you asked

When you eat roughly 60-80% of your daily calories from fat and keep your carbs to less than 5% of your total intake you enter Nutritional Ketosis. This widely misunderstood state can lead to some awesome benefits. If you are saying in your head “but wait can’t ketones build up in your blood stream and kill you?” then you remember a little bit of biology. In short unless you are a type 1 diabetic then No. Having ketones in your blood stream and being in diabetic keto acidosis is like the difference between your house being on fire and having a fire going in your fire place. Two VERY different situations that are not very closely related.

What does it all mean?

If your head is still spinning I don’t blame you. I will not fault you for being skeptical, most nutritional advice is just plain bad. Ask yourself this, have you ever tried low fat diets? did they work? If yes and you loved it please stop reading, this is not for you. If you have struggled with your weight, energy, motivation etc this is for you. It is an amazing lifestyle that is actually fun once you get going. It will take some effort but the benefits far outweigh the cons.

In short you will try to maximize the amount of fat you consume while limiting carbs to a minimum. The best way to think about it is like a paleo diet but with dairy instead of fruit. What I advocate is still eating real, whole food, and staying away from processed food. This does mean that you are going to have limited choices when eating out. Preparing your own food is the most sure fire way to know what you are eating (on any diet, not just keto).

What can you expect from keto?

Once you make one of the best decisions of your life and try keto you will get a few things right away. Probably a giant headache and feeling slugsih for the first 2-5 days of eating this way.

Wait what?!

You have to remember that you are literally switching the fuel your brain runs off of from glucose to Ketones. I am not going to lie and say that its all going to be easy (if it was everyone would do it). But I will be honest with you and give you a realistic idea of what to expect. After you break through what some call “keto flu” you will start to almost wake up and see the world differently. Your energy will start to increase, your hunger will start to go away, and you will lose your cravings for sugar(my favorite drug).


Ask yourself what if it does work? It would be worth the effort to try it to see if it does. Take a look Here to see how to start getting into ketosis and good luck on your journey!

A Day in the Life of Keto

I’m sure there are many people out there who are curious what this “life style” may look like. A typical day for me in nutritional ketosis might help shed some light for anyone who is curious.


Wake up

Curse the day

Coffee (with either heavy whipping cream or half and half if I’m feeling frisky).

Make lunch to take to work(usually consists of just putting my pre made food in a few containers and packing it in my lunch box).

  • Usually a low carb mission wrap with salami and munster cheese or a variation there of
  • Veggie soup with lots of butter or olive oil
  • Chilli (since its getting colder out it hits the spot with some cheese and a little bit of onion)

Go to work (I work 10-9 so I bring the rest of the days food with me)

Curse work

Eat my wrap as a first meal with a possible refill of coffee, as well as fill up my big jug of water. This is usually around 1:00 PM and eaten at my desk.

Work some more and Really curse work

Take my lunch usually around 3 or 4. Eat either soup or chili that I brought that day.

Refill giant water jug and go back to work.

Come home and rest and get meals ready for the next day.


Even though I curse work it still helps me keep a regular schedule and if you have already spent money on groceries and time on prepping food AND you remember to bring it to work, your going to eat your food. I have found that over cooked/not that good food always tastes better when at work as its your only food options for that day and you know it is making you healthier.

On Days I work i usually skip breakfast just simply for time sake. On off days I will usually have a breakfast with some egg dish and coffee. The longer I stay in Ketosis the less and less I get hungry or wake up hungry. This helps make skipping breakfast not too big of a deal.

The main take away is that I am in more of a routine and taking my lunch to work allows me to control what is in it and helps me save money as I can make my food to fit my budget and macro plan. At first I would miss going out for lunch and then on the way home, but I have so much more time not leaving the office and the money I am saving can’t be beat.


How has Keto changed your routine? or what are you curious about before taking the plunge? leave a comment below and I will do my best to help you out 🙂


Starting Fresh

So I originally made this blog to help keep me accountable, however I have gotten on the wagon and fell off multiple times since starting this blog. I want to recommit to help me get through this fall and holiday season as I am further than when I started I still have a ways to go.


What do you struggle the most with keto? leave a comment below and we will work through it together!

One of the best substitutes I have found for chips and dip is plain Meijer pork rinds and Costco Spinach and artichoke dip (1 gram of carbs per 2 tablespoons). Heat that stuff up and in a word, Amazing. This took care of my craving for chips and dip and when paired with pork rinds, its almost a complete meal from a macros stand point as well! You don’t have to use it for just chips and dip, in the past I have used a healthy serving of the spinach and artichoke dip with chicken as well! It is absolutely delicious and was the envy of my co-workers when I heated it up in the break room! It was one of my favorite dips pre Keto and remains into my Keto days!spin-artichoke_parm_costco